on Success

Early Rehabilitation

Prior to the formation of Friends of Mill Creek, efforts were made by agencies, landowners, and other interested groups to rehabilitate Mill Creek and its trout fishery.

Brown Trout were first stocked in the watershed in the 1940’s, and stocking continued into the 1950’s and 1960’s. Some stocking in the vicinity of Soper Park, Cambridge, continues to today. Rehabilitation projects conducted by the Grand River Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources and local fishing enthusiasts during the mid 1990’s increased brown trout biomass and spawning activity. 1

It is also worthy to note that private land owner efforts including erosion control and tree planting had occurred prior to 1982.2

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1 (Mill Creek Coordinated Monitoring Report January 1 to December 31, 2009 Technical Appendix C prepared for Dufferin Aggregates, LRG Environmental, Page 5)

2 (Mill Creek Subwatershed Study, 1996, Pg. 3-133)

Figure 2
Carrying on a tradition of creek rehabilitation